Coastline paradox

I have been slowly walking the coast path around the south west of England; along clifftops, down to beaches, around headlands, through towns and villages. The sea and the sound of waves a companion on my right hand side, the wind blowing salt spray. My feet wearing at the path, and the ground wearing at my feet with each step. How can this experience be measured? With the same paradoxical qualities of the length of the coast - the closer you look, the more detail unfolds.

Cambridge, UK based artist, lecturer and curator Tiina Burton delves into unknowns. For the past 8 years she has worked with scientists at Cambridge University and Imperial College London to create artistic responses to their cutting-edge research, investigating and interrogating topics as diverse as artificial consciousness, neural networks, robotic hands and high energy particle physics. Tiina inhabits systems and uses sensory experiences to help her investigate and question the fundamental nature of reality. Her processes move between analogue and digital recording, making, gathering and curating with a DIY, collaborative and inclusive ethos.

Her current personal artistic focus is an exploration of attention over time, space and matter through walking. The repetitive labour of step after step, one foot after the other has left traces throughout her work in numerous ways; from the stippling of ink on bromoil prints, the casts of erosion caused by repeated human traffic, to repetitive landscape forms in a multitude of materials and rhythmic waves of sound.

 --- Proud to be a pavilion for The Wrong Biennale - ---
 --- All works copyright the artists ---